About Me

Hi I am Iyang Agung Supriatna :wave:,
As a graduate in informatics, the relationship between science and technology makes me not give up easily, especially in the programming, which often makes me forget about time. Linux user sice 2017 and still continue until now :thumbsup:.

Programming Skills

[ beginner ]


[ beginner, based ]

[ beginner ]

[ beginner ]

[ beginner ]

Hobbies Skills

[ just practice ]

[ just play and practice ]

WEB Apps Developer, Bandung Ejuice Distribution, Bandung

2021 Oct — 2022 Desc

Assigend to create web application for Distribution Company in scope area e-cigarette.

Student, Universitas Bisnis dan Teknologi Indonesia, Bandung

2017 — 2021

Background with information technology, normal student with normal life, without join any organization.

WEB Apps Developer, HaekalPlay, Bandung

2020 — 2021

Assigend to create some web application for admin and end-users.

Front-End Developer, House of Aplysit, Bandung

2018 Oct — 2019 Feb

Trained and assigned to tidy up the appearance of design website pages. i resigned, because of several things related to the class schedule.